Matesis is a full-service naval architecture and marine engineering firm, serving clients worldwide. Matesis provides clients with a broad range of professional services, following the latest requirements from Classification Societies and Marine Organizations, fully considering the needs from owners and the actual conditions and technological level of shipyards.
Our Vision
• Producing the optimized,individual, qualified, and reliable solutions with a detailed, proactive and integrated aproach.
• Creating , renewable, time and resource saving products in every solution, within a human and nature oriented franework.
• Generating sustainable values according to the customer requirements,
instead of standard solutions.
Our Mission
• We are going to create unique, reliable and sustainable solutions on the design and engineering of unstandardized products and procedures.
• We are going to find advanced engineering solutions and make R&D in order to ensure design and product optimisation.
• We are going to prevent the loss of time and money due to unsuitable, missing or inaccurate production, by simulating before manufacturing or usage.
• We are going to develop the standard manufacturing processes by integrating independent, expert and reliable companies.
• Matesis produces processes and outcomes whose qualities are determined by the customer.
• Matesis produces reliability and tranparancy based relationship with the customer, and it produces not only utility but also sustainable values.